السبت، 6 يوليو 2013

Hack Nokia Belle to install unsigned Apps

 Hack Nokia Belle to install unsigned Apps

There are lots of amazing unsigned apps available for Nokia device, but it cannot be installed, due to security reasons. Here, we are going to guide you how to Hack Nokia Belle to install any unsigned application.

Hack Nokia Belle

1. Firstly, DOWNLOAD FILES HERE to Hack Nokia Phone.
2. Once, you have downloaded the files, extract them to your PC and copy all files to your Phone (you can transfer files to Mass memory  or memory card of your Phone).
3. If you have successfully copied the files to your Phone, then you will be able to see the files in your Phone (to see files, you can use file explorer from your phone). You will be able to see following files: OR DOWNLOAD FILES HERE
  • Norton Hack.sis
  • Rom Patcher Plus 3.1.sisx
  • X-Plore.sisx
  • Install Server 1.7 RP+.rmp
Mass Memory with files
4. Now, Click on the Norton Hack.sis file to install it on your Phone.
Install Norton Security
5. Once, Norton Hack.sis is installed on your Phone then Open it.
Norton Security.sis
6. In Norton Security click on the Options to open Menu. Then from the Menu options Open Antivirus > Quarantine List.
Norton Security Antivirus - Quarantine List
7. Then a Menu will appear with an option of “Restore All“. Click on ”Restore All” and then it will ask “Do you want to restore all entries from the Quarantine“, Click on Yes Button.
Quarantine List - Restore Nokia
Quarantine Confirm
8.  Now, you have to Install Rom Patcher Plus 3.1.sisx on your Phone (this can be found in step #1).
Install Rom Patcher
9. Once, Rom Patcher Plus is installed on your phone. Open it.
Rom Patcher Plus Installed on Nokia
10. In Rom Patcher Plus, you will see two options present on the Home Screen, i.e “Install Server RP+” and “Open4All RP+“. You have to double click on the Both options, so that blue arrow becomes green.
Rom Patcher Plus Preview
After clicking on both options, a tick mark sign will appear before the options (screenshot below)
Rom Patcher Plus Options
11. Now you have to install X-Plore.sisx on your phone (this can be found in step #1).
Install X-Plore.sisx
12. Once X-Plore.sisx is installed, open it.
13. In X-Plore, Tap on the Tools > Configuration. And select “Show hidden files” and “Show system files/folder“.
X-Plore Configuration - Nokia
14. Using X-Plore locate the “Install Server 1.7 RP+.rmp” file, that you have transferred to your phone in step #1. You have to move or copy this file to to “C:\Patches” folder.
Install-Server-1.7-RP+ copied
15. Now, again restart Rom Patcher+ and select “Install ServerRP+ 1.7 RP+” and Tap on the Options button and select Add to Auto.
Open Rom Patcher again
Select Install Server 1.7 RP
Add to auto
Then Again Tap on the Options button and Select All patches > Apply.
Apply All Patches
16. Restart your phone.
After restating your phone, you can check whether your phone is Jailbreaked or not. To check it, download this certificate error app and try to install it on your phone, if you are able to install it without getting any certificate error, then it means you have successfully jailbreaked your phone.
Hoping the above tip will help you all to install unsigned app on your phone without any problem. If you got any issue with any of the step above then dont forgot to ask us using the comment form below.

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